Saturday, October 13, 2007

No theme song... but a good show going

I have a splendid lifestyle, only for my dear and lavish estate. It extents as far and wide as a man would want to walk, run or jog. It has stretches of green lawns dotted with longer eucalyptus trees in the inside and shorter trees along the walk. There is a small stream with a bridge for crossing it. All that you might need to live a life with memories of those moonlit times. One day, when I have a grey'st beard and am as mad as old, I would do stand up comedy for children - maybe as old as the ol' Al me - in the parks we would have picnics and buffets. So please keep my city pollution free and green.

Every Sunday morning, after a refreshing tea with a flavor I have not had the time to inhale or sniff during the week, I want to tap my feet and boink my head to a football. Hmmm... I did almost forget to put the pencil back between the pages of an autobiography that I am reading these days – ‘ wings of fire ‘, can write a blog just on that title - just before rolling crape bandages around ankles. Perhaps I could have caught up with some political news, but when you try to read too much, your head could turn into a large pen holder with a pencil, a pen, a balm in a tube, a torch and a motley of all odd things... thiszz para 1

A combined spirit of men and boys keeps kicking, while one by one the sun swipes at least three cricket teams off the ground that rightfully, first belongs to a 'nearby' village panchayat, then the hockey players, then the footballers and lastly the lazy cricketers. A couple of goals scored, and a weeks misery lost, I love my Sundays.

Maybe we inspire the birds to chirp and ... hmmm... naah thats both too damn stupid or girlish... he he... time for the theme song, " where everybody knows your name... " borrowed one from Cheers...


Blogger Banvri said...

I enjoyed reading this one . :)

nice n innovative ..

stay creative :)

10:49 AM  

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